Change Your Password

Choose a strong password and don't reuse it for other accounts. Learn more

Enter One-Time Password

Please use your One-Time Password (OTP) Token and enter the OTP to confirm your request

Time lock:  

Waiting for approval ...


SecureId: ........

Please check your mobile app for incoming messages

Time lock:  

Time Limit

You've reached your time limit.

Restart Now

Processing ...



Password Change Terminated

The password change process has been terminated

Restart Now

Password Change Failed

Malformed input

Unknown PassByME alias

Failed to send PassByME message

PassByME message cancelled

PassByME message expired

PassByME message not found

PassByME evidence not found

PassByME error

Invalid token

Missing token


An error occurred, please try again later

Restart Now

Password Change Succeed

Congratulations, your Password has been changed.

Restart Now

Processing ...

Please wait

